3.2 Materials. Materials used shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's materials
specifications for the applicable items. The materials shall be capable of marking all of the
operational and environmental requirements specified herein (see 4.5.1). Recovered materials
shall be used to the maximum extent practicable.
3.2.1 Material deterioration prevention and control. The suspension kit shall be
fabricated from compatible materials, inherently corrosion resistant or treated to provide
protection against the various forms of corrosion and deterioration that may be encountered in
any of the applicable operating and storage environments to which the suspension kit may be
exposed (see 4.5.2).
3.2.2 Dissimilar metals. Dissimilar metals shall not be used in intimate contact with each
other unless protected against galvanic corrosion (see 4.5.2).
3.3 Design and construction. The suspension kit shall consist of a chest and the
components listed in table I (see 4.5.2).
TABLE I. Chest components.
Wire rope
350 feet
Manila rope
350 feet
Wire-rope clamps
Hose saddles
Steel pickets
Steel blocks
Wire rope thimbles
3.3.1 Chest. A suitable chest shall be provided for the components of the kit. The chest
shall be not more than 22 inches in height. The chest shall have a hinged cover and latches to
secure the closed position. The cover shall be self-supporting in the open position. Handles shall
be provided. The handles shall of a size to enable lifting of the fully loaded chest by gloved
personnel. The chest cover and front shall be labeled "HOSELINE SUSPENSION KIT" in 1 inch
high letters. Bins, cradles, or blocking shall be provided for the components of the kit to prevent
damage during shipment and handling. The chest shall be of sufficient strength to transport the kit
components under all transport conditions. Loading plan. A loading plan indicating the location of all items in the chest shall
be furnished. The loading plan shall be permanently attached to the inside of the cover.
For Parts Inquires call Parts Hangar, Inc (727) 493-0744
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business